Vitamin Supplement in Reducing Covid-19 Severity

Vitamin Supplements In Reducing Covid-19 Severity

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, there has been a lot of discussion about the role of various vitamins and supplements in preventing or treating COVID-19. Seth R. Bauer, PharmD, Anchal Kapoor, MD., Mary Rath, RD, LD. and Suma A. Thomas, MD, MBA, have detailed the role of ascorbic acid supplementation in the Cleveland Clinic Medical Journal. zinc, vitamin D and N-acetylcysteine. Here is an overview of what they reported. There is currently no specific research to support add-on therapy to prevent or treat COVID-19 patients. Ascorbic acid, zinc, vitamin D, and N-acetylcysteine ​​are currently marked as biologically acceptable for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, but more research is needed to consider the use of these agents for treatment. Here we analyze its biological validity, clinical data, and potential role. Details on these COVID-19-related supplements can be found in the full article from the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine’s here

Vitamin C  Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is an antioxidant and several studies indicate that vitamin C supplementation affects the immune system. Additionally, studies in birds have shown that vitamin C can protect against avian coronavirus infection, and human trials have shown that vitamin C can decrease susceptibility to respiratory viral infections and pneumonia. New clinical trials are underway in to determine whether vitamin C can be used to treat COVID-19.

N-acetylcysteine  N-acetylcysteine ​​is converted to glutathione, an antioxidant that is depleted by oxidative stress or systemic inflammation. In vitro and in vivo administration leads to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in a number of pulmonary diseases, including viral pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Because COVID-19 patients have signs of systemic inflammation, their course is often complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome and respiratory mucus accumulation may occur, restricting adequate airflow, systemic or aerosolized N-acetylcysteine ​​(or both) may be helpful for this particular the patient. population size. It seems that N-acetylcysteine ​​supplementation has no role in preventing COVID-19. However, administration of N-acetylcysteine ​​may improve outcomes in patients with established COVID-19 and should be investigated further.

Vitamin D  Vitamin D deficiency is common: lack of sunlight, old age, use of corticosteroids, and darker skin are associated with lower concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This deficiency is associated with a higher incidence of acute respiratory infections . It has also been suggested that there is a link between seasonal flu and vitamin D deficiency. Supplementation with vitamin D has also been shown to reduce the incidence of acute respiratory infections. While it has not yet been studied to prevent COVID-19 infection and should not be recommended to patients, some recent articles recommend taking daily supplements to increase the concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and reduce the risk of infection.

Zinc  Zinc is known to be important for immune function. It plays a role in antibody and white blood cell production and fights infection, while zinc deficiency increases inflammation and decreases antibody production. High doses of zinc have been found to shorten the duration of cold symptoms. It is not clear whether zinc supplementation is beneficial for patients with lower respiratory infections such as COVID-19. Due to its role in immune function and its ability to reduce the replication of the coronavirus, zinc is currently being investigated for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.


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